Sunday, February 19, 2012


Here we go, first outfit of this blog around my second favorite color : orange. 

Nowadays I'm wondering a lot about my motivation. Procrastinations seems to be my motto. J'ai réellement envie de me donner à fond, de travailler d'arrache pied et d'obtenir enfin de bons résultats. Mais il y a tant de choses qui m'obsèdent, me hantent et me bloquent. J'ai envie de tout. C'est certainement ce qui me barre la route. Je ne peux pas me fixer sur une seule idée précise, cela risquerait de briser le cercle vicieux mais si agréable de mon existence. 

Orange outfit, I hope you'll like it. Mostly using peruvian clothes I bought during my holidays this summer. I went 20 days to Peru for humanitarian work. We built houses and helped the poorest people I've ever seen. 

HAT : Handknitted, local workshop, Peru
SCARF :  Handknitted, local workshop, Peru
TOP : Thrift shop, Paris
COAT : Entracte, Paris
BOTTOM : Black legging, Paris
SHOES : Pilar Burgos, Séville (Spain)
BAG : Lima's Airport, Peru

(bad quality for the whole body shots. don't have good equipment nor friend available ;; )

I adore these shoes. I bought them during the spanish sales in July 2011. I went to Spain with 3 friends and we spent 4 days shopping/visiting/swimming (and partying the whole night long). Séville was fun but we'll try a bigger city next time.

Exquisite wishes. 
Winter the llama.


  1. Hi, Dawn from Suitcase Vignettes. Nice to meet you. Welcome to blogger. I love reading about your travels to Spain, and Peru. Seems that you like to many interesting places to explore and shop. I have not been to Paris, Spain or Peru. Have you been to the U.S.? Great outfit love your blouse and the overall color scheme of your outfit. Drop in anytime. Dawn xo

    1. Hi ! Thanx for your comment ! Indeed, I love travelling from places to places. It's really refreshing. If I can make a suggestion, France is quite a must go. (haha, promoting my own country yay). I've already been to the U.S in 2008 and I plan to go in San Francisco this summer at my brother's. I was amazed by the amount of shops and fast food restaurants in every cities. (but maybe that's because I stayed a lot in New York ?). On your profile it only says U.S so where are you from ?
      (Dunno if it's usual to reply on our own articles... so I thought I'd try)

  2. Great look! I love your hair color!
