Wednesday, February 22, 2012


Today's outfit is all brand new. Yesterday I went to a thrift shop in Paris 4e and found some cool pieces. In the same district, I spotted a cute shop called Lollipop and bought there my new very favorite pair of shoes. It was a -50% discount but the sellers were so gentle, made me want to come back right away ! Be sure that  I'll get a new Lollipops bag or necklace soon.
Mischa shopper, Lollipops
Ladentelle necklace, Lollipops

DRESS : Lucia secondhand, Vintage Desire, Paris
BRACELET : Tiffany&co, New York
WATCH : Swatch, Paris
BAG : David Jones secondhand, Vintage Desire, Paris
SHOES : Lollipops, Paris

I forgot to take a picture of the bag but it has a quite interesting shape and design. It's triangular but the inside is rectangular and well aranged. On the external side, we've got two zipped pocket and one scratched one for phones or in my case lighter + subway card. I'll try to take pictures later on and add them here :)


I hope you'll like this outfit :)

Exquisite wishes.
Winter the llama.


  1. je l'ai adorée. Les chaussures sont trop cool!

  2. Oh yes, nice outfit - like the Look! I support you and follow you now (on bloglovin and google friend connect). Hope you follow back :)


    1. Thank you very much ! :) Followed back (bloglovin, GFC and FB). I really enjoy your blog, keep up the good work !
